Meet the School Counselors

David Cohen


Grade 4

Class of 2033

As long as I can remember, I have always wanted to help others. It was not until I became a volunteer Big Brother that I truly understood the positive impact one person can have on another.  It was this experience that led me on my counseling journey, which included becoming a licensed social worker.  I have worked with children and families in a variety of settings since 1992 including long and short term residential treatment, individual/family therapy, juvenile court clinic, and as an activity based group social skills counselor. 

I realized that I could make the most difference in the lives of children and their families working in a school.  I began as a School Adjustment Counselor in 2007, but found my true home in 2010 when I joined the caring community of Mill Pond School.  I use “dad joke” humor and the wearing of funny hats from my large and growing collection to engage students, to make positive connections, and to lighten up a student's day.  I am very invested in collaborating with children, their parents, and teachers so that each child can achieve academic, social, and emotional success.  

​When not at school, I like to spend time with family, our dogs, and friends.  I enjoy cooking, working on household projects, camping, telling puns, and participating as an adult leader in my son’s scout troop. I am a huge fan of making and eating ice cream and can often be found at Dairy Queen and Uhlman’s.  While I have excellent Atari 2600 skills, I hope to someday be able to navigate the XBox controller and not embarrass myself too much when playing video games with my sons.

Christine Brouillard

Grade 5

Class of 2032

When building forts in the woods as a child, my friends always knew there would be work to do - school work, that is!  With a chalkboard propped against a tree and fluffy fern “chairs” arranged in a circle, playing school was just the beginning of my love of education. After becoming a certified teacher and rehabilitation counselor, I found school counseling to be the perfect blend of teaching and counseling.  Working with Mill Pond students as they traverse the developmentally dynamic span of grades four through six makes each day an exciting adventure! 

Developing quality relationships with students and their families is the most rewarding aspect of my work at Mill Pond. I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the exceptional teachers here to instill a love of learning in each child while supporting students and their families through challenges and celebrating their academic, social and emotional successes.  

Outside of school, Jonesy and I enjoy spending lots of time with our family and friends. If that time can be spent in the mountains or at the ocean, all the better! Visiting new and interesting places throughout New England, attempting DIY projects, camping, golfing, cheering on Boston sports teams, gardening and reading are among my favorite things to do. I love learning about the diverse beliefs, interests and abilities of others and look forward to getting to know even more about my students and families this year!

Julie Boyd


Grade 6

Class of 2031

I am very excited to be a part of the Mill Pond School Counseling Team and am Heron through and through, as I completed my internship placement at Mill Pond School and never left! My lifelong passion for learning was passed down by a family of educators. In addition to being a school counselor, I am also a school psychologist and music therapist. I have worked in public education for seven years supporting students of all ages through music and therapeutic intervention.

My goal as a school counselor is to make sure that school feels like a safe space and that students feel successful. I believe that my role is to support both students and staff in promoting a positive school climate and enhancing overall student wellbeing. Home-school collaboration is also a foundational pillar of my counseling philosophy. The experiences I find the most rewarding are those where I can work collaboratively with our students, families, teachers, and community. 

Whenever I'm not a school, I love laughing with friends, family, and pets. As you might have guessed, I also really love music. It can be such a great way to express yourself and even change your mood! I like spending my free time teaching students to sing and dance through a fun activity called Show Choir. Another thing that lifts me up is traveling. I spends lots of time in places like Arizona, Ohio, and Pennsylvania visiting friends and choreographing show choirs. Nothing is better than learning about the world and yourself through new experiences!


Assistance Dog 

for the Classroom

Jonesy, who was trained by NEADS, was warmly welcomed into our counseling department in November, 2021. Jonesy has a way of generating smiles, happiness and connections that can be seen and felt throughout the entire school community.  Whether he is comforting a crying child with love in his eyes and tissues to share, supporting students as they build academic, social and emotional skills in the classroom, fostering new friendships with races at recess, or encouraging staff members with a “hello” and wag of his tail at the end of a long day, he makes each day a better day for everyone.  

Outside of school, when Jonesy changes out of his “work clothes,” he enjoys chasing balls, going for walks and making new human and animal friends.